8 Hacks for Hosting Thanksgiving at Home

spatchcocked turkeyIt’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is almost here. Harder still: the concept of having to host the holiday at your own home. Even if you love opening your home to friends and family, hosting on turkey day can induce stress in even the most experienced home entertainers. To help out, we’ve collected some tricks that make cooking faster, clean up easier, and the whole event less expensive. Bonus: You won’t lose your sanity and snap at a guest (at least not more than once). Click here for Thanksgiving tips

Credit goes to Celeste Perron on Realtor.com.


In Defense of Buying a Historic Home: It Could Be Downright Amazing

Victorian Houses in San FranciscoMaybe you’ve always dreamed of buying a beautifully built home, something that doesn’t look like it came out of a cookie cutter.

And you probably also get some side eye as soon as you mention your historic-home dreams. Real estate agents, friends, and family are often quick to tell you to think twice before investing in an older home. And they’re not wrong. Click here to continue reading.

Article By: Rachel Stults on Realtor.com.